I am transforming without self-doubt.
I am growing without fear of rejection.
I am confident without external validation.
I am forgiving without excusing mistreatment.
I am trustworthy without being naïve.
I am content without comparison.
I am secure without envy.
I am healing without resentment.
I am responsible without being swallowed up in self-sufficiency.
I am resourceful without being needy.
I am self-loving without shame.
I am outgoing without apprehension.
I am letting go without remorse.
I am courageous without feeling threatened.
I am productive without forfeiting rest.
I am progressing without rushing my process.
I am authentic without embarrassment.
I am self-affirming without bowing to belittlement.
I am goal oriented without fear of failure.
I am sympathetic without being sucked into self-pity.
I am accountable without yielding to victimhood.
I am imperfect without hiding my flaws.
I am self-assured without regard to condescending comments.
I am disengaging without fear of missing out.
I am challenged without overwhelm.
I am following my purpose without the need for consent.
I am focused without succumbing to petty distractions.
I am saying no without guilt.
I am living in truth without denial.
I am confronting without fear.
I am aware without being deceived.
I am decisive without the need for permission.
I am reliable without being taken advantage of.
I am dependable without sacrificing my needs and wants.
I am patient without agitation.
I am vulnerable without feeling weak.
I am present without anxiety.
I am open-minded without judgement.
I am loved by and loving to others without people pleasing.
I am compassionate without enabling.
I am respectful without feeling inferior.
I am humble without shying away from recognition.
I am grateful without opposing necessary negatives.
I am fulfilled without losing integrity.
I am proud without superiority syndrome.
I am reflective without ruminating over the past.
I am inspired without pessimistic thoughts.
I am enough without more of this or less of that.
I am free without surrendering my peace.